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eBooks On The Blockchain



I propose a method to integrate an NFT on a blockchain network with a file-sharing network, creating an open, transparent, and trustless market for eBooks. This approach utilizes digital signatures from the blockchain to authorize requests in the file-sharing network. As a result, encrypted eBook copies can be securely transferred between parties, provided there is a corresponding blockchain transaction for validation between them.

The file sharing network

Since the blockchain alone can't handle eBook data transfers, we need an additional network. We suggest a file-sharing network, akin to those used for unauthorized file sharing today. However, ours differs significantly: it's a secure, controlled network where each data transfer is tied to a blockchain transaction and its financial value.

This approach ensures that ownership rights and intellectual property are upheld, allowing for the easy and unrestricted transfer of eBook files. It promises significant improvements over the current state, where digital rights management and copy protection measures hinder eBook sales and sharing.

eBook piracy and counter-measures

eBook piracy presents a significant challenge in today's eBook market. It's easy for those with know-how to bypass copy protection, leading to illegal sales at lower prices on the darknet or free downloads via file-sharing networks. Digital rights management (DRM) also negatively affects eBook trading.

To combat illegal copying, eBooks are often distributed in encrypted formats, limiting decryption and readability to certain devices or software. This restricts readers' flexibility, making it difficult to share, resell, collect, store, convert formats, or use different readers—activities either impossible or severely limited.

Addressing this issue seems daunting, as eliminating the ability to create and distribute readable copies is nearly impossible. However, incentivizing legal purchases can change the narrative. The current eBook market dissatisfaction among readers, publishers, and editors indicates a need for improvement. Simplifying trading, enhancing transparency, and reducing restrictions can revolutionize the market.

A legal, transparent eBook market would simplify trading, potentially lower prices, and serve as an incentive for legal purchases. The belief in societal good suggests that most people prefer legal ownership of digital assets when given a clear, accessible choice. However, the current state doesn't support this, as legally purchased eBooks offer limited ownership, entangled in complex terms and vendor-specific restrictions, pushing some towards piracy.

Our concept aims to overhaul this system by integrating eBooks into the blockchain with NFTs, leveraging languages like Solidity (though the following is pseudocode for illustration). This approach simplifies eBook trading, offering a transparent, unrestricted platform beneficial for all market participants.

Using NFTs and ERC721

The concept of using Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), especially those following the ERC721 standard, in conjunction with its OpenZeppelin implementation, opens up innovative pathways for creating an open and free eBook market. This approach leverages blockchain technology to ensure uniqueness, ownership, and transferability of digital assets in a decentralized manner. Below, we explore how this can be achieved.

1. Unique Identification and Ownership

Each eBook can be represented as an NFT, ensuring that every copy is unique. This uniqueness is crucial for distinguishing between different copies of the same eBook and establishing a clear line of ownership, which is recorded on the blockchain.

2. Decentralization

By utilizing the Ethereum blockchain and the ERC721 standard, the market operates in a decentralized manner. This decentralization removes the need for central authorities or intermediaries, allowing authors to directly list and sell their eBooks to readers.

3. Smart Contracts for Transactions

Smart contracts, particularly those developed using OpenZeppelin's secure and tested library, can automate the process of buying and selling eBooks. These contracts handle transactions, transfer of ownership, and even royalties, ensuring a transparent and fair system for all parties involved.

4. Royalty Management

ERC721's functionality can be extended to support royalty management, enabling authors to receive a percentage of sales whenever their eBook is resold in the secondary market. This creates a continuous revenue stream for creators, incentivizing the production of quality content.

5. Accessibility and DRM

NFTs can also address issues related to digital rights management (DRM). Instead of restrictive DRM practices, ownership through NFTs allows for more flexible content usage while still respecting the rights of the authors. This can lead to a more open and accessible market for eBooks.

6. Community Engagement and Extras

Authors can engage with their readers through exclusive content, early access, or special editions of their eBooks, represented as different types of NFTs. This not only adds value for readers but also fosters a stronger author-reader relationship.


Leveraging NFTs and the ERC721 standard through its OpenZeppelin implementation presents a compelling solution for creating an open and free eBook market. It offers a balanced approach to ownership, rights management, and engagement, potentially transforming the digital publishing landscape.

The principles outlined are not confined to eBook trading; they can be adapted to trade any digital asset. Given the novelty and abstract nature of these concepts, starting with a concrete example, like eBooks, seemed prudent. Time will reveal the potential for variations or extensions of this concept to flourish.