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How I Learned to Love DevOps


Between software configuration and software development, a tension has always existed. Neither can live without the other. This mutual dependency has evolved significantly over the years, especially with the advent of DevOps, an approach that aims to merge these two worlds and achieve seamless integration between development and operations. Yet, to understand the significance of this change, it is worth looking back to a time when this integration was still a distant dream.

When I started my career in IT, the world was quite different. Java was the language of choice for many developers, a true flagship of modern software engineering. However, the environment in which Java applications ran was anything but modern. Huge, cumbersome application servers dominated the landscape, each with its own complex configuration. The worlds of development and operations were strictly separated, often leading to friction. Changes to the software meant a tedious process to adjust the application servers accordingly, resulting in long delays and frustration on both sides.

Even more problematic was the situation in testing. Automated tests were scarce, and the few that existed were often so basic that they provided little assurance. Quality assurance was manual, which was not only time-consuming but also prone to errors. Each release of new software was a gamble, and all too often, newly introduced features caused unexpected problems in production.

In this world, the concept of DevOps was revolutionary. It promised to bridge the gap between the development of new software and its configuration and deployment in production environments. By focusing on automation, continuous integration, and continuous delivery, DevOps enabled much closer collaboration between developers and operations personnel. The introduction of DevOps led to a drastic reduction in the time from idea to deployment, improved the quality of software, and made the entire process more transparent and predictable.

The adoption of microservices and container technologies such as Docker and Kubernetes further simplified the deployment and scaling of applications. These technologies allowed teams to develop smaller, independent services that are easier to manage, deploy, and scale. The barriers between software configuration and development began to disappear, creating a much more flexible and agile development landscape.

Today, DevOps is indispensable. It has fundamentally changed the way we develop, test, and deploy software. From my own perspective in the IT industry, DevOps has not only addressed technological challenges but also created a new culture of collaboration and sharing. Teams are now better equipped to quickly respond to changes, drive innovation, and ultimately deliver better products faster to the market.

The tension between software configuration and software development may still exist, but through DevOps, it has become a productive dialogue that drives the IT industry forward. This evolution shows that, although individual components of software development cannot live without the other part, their integration leads to a stronger, more efficient, and effective overall solution. DevOps has taught us that bridging the gap between development and operations is not only possible but essential for success in the modern IT world.